Lead Generation & Advertising
integrated with NationBuilder.



As marketers know testing your assumptions is key. It’s the only way to learn what works and what doesn’t. Yet many digital advertising campaigns are still run solely on the basis of gut feeling rather than hard data. The result is less than efficient advertising spend, lower audience engagement and ultimately lower conversion rates.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing to Refine Strategy

A/B testing - also known as split testing - is delivering two or more different variations of the same web page to visitors to determine which one performs better. The results can then be used to inform design decisions and improve conversions. Some examples of things you can A/B test include:

  • Copy: Testing the headline of your campaign message enables you to discover what works in driving pledges, newsletter sign-up and petition signatures.
  • Images: People can respond with different emotions to visual elements. Images you choose, and where they are placed, can make a big difference to conversion rates.
  • Calls-to-action: The copy, placement and even colour of call-to-action can have a profound influence the number sign-ups you receive.

How Tribe Digital Advertising Works

Tribe is our bespoke in-house App that supercharges your campaign, automates testing to achieve higher conversion rates and improves return on investment. As part of the service you’ll work with our specialist team who are experts in digital advertising best practice. Here is what’s included:

  • Custom landing page template designs
  • A/B testing of campaign content (yup, and done correctly to insure real statistical significance)
  • Real-time analytics dashboard
  • Integration with NationBuilder
  • [Optional] Weekly summary reports with re-optimisation actions and recommendations
  • [Optional] Account setup & management across Google Adwords, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn networks
  • [Optional] Expert campaign storytelling & content

Drop us a line to schedule a demo. Fill out the form below or call UK 020 7112 9180 or US (501) 708-4553 and we’ll be in touch.